- 107學年度新生學生證為一卡通功能。
- 一卡通公司提供每張學生證50元折價券一張,限使用於臺科大校內餐廳張貼有可用折價卷之店家,不含7-11及摩斯漢堡。
【The New Student ID Card】
- The new Student ID Card for 2018 Fall is issued in the form of iPASS.
- The company of iPASS offers each student a coupon (NTD$ 50). It can only be used in NTUST Restaurants, excluding 7-11 and MOS Burgers and the ones without posters.
1. 自動繳費機(行政大樓一樓)可申請並當場領取「中英文在學證明」, 每學期第一份免費。
2. 學生資訊系統可顯示在學狀態及列印「在學證明」
【No registration stamp from 2018 fall】
From 1st August, 2018, students can get the stickers (claiming "no registration stamps from 2018 Fall") at Academic Affairs Office and paste the stickers on the back of the student ID cards by themselves. There’s no column for registration stamps on new student ID cards.For getting stickers:
1. Undergraduates: class representatives on behalf of all class members please come to the Section of Registrar.
2. Graduates: each individual please come to the Section of Graduate Studies.
- For those who need the certificate of study, please apply for it after the lectures begin. The notices are as follows:
1. Each student can get a free certificate of study per semester by the KIOSKS (red machine) at the 1st floor in Administration Building.
2. The function of downloading the certificate of study will be embedded in the student information system. Electronic certificates can be used to identify individuals' status of studies and can be printed out by the students.
3. If students need the certificate of study before the day of lecture begins, please bring the receipt of tuition payment to the Section of Register or the Section of Graduate Studies.
- Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) will list National Taiwan University of Science and Technology as an university exempt from registration stamps.
【學生證補發 / 換發】
- 學生證遺失補發或換發程序
1. 應於「學生證掛失暨補發申請系統」辦理掛失手續。
2. 掛失後無法取消,如遺失之學生證經找回後,亦無法使用,退費程序所需之工作天及手續費依悠遊卡公司/一卡通公司規定。
3. 到行政大樓一樓自動繳費機繳交補/換發費用,並將收據交到教務處註冊組/研教組。
- 補/換發時,可選擇補發悠遊卡功能或一卡通功能之學生證
- 因學生證採購成本差異,補/換發費用如下:
【Replacement/Exchange of Student ID Card】
- Please go to the following website to report the loss or replacement of student ID card via the Application System for Loss/Replacement Reporting. (
- Then, make payment for a new Student ID Card by the KIOSKS (red machine) at the 1st floor in Administration Building, and bring your receipt to Academic Affairs Office.
- You may choose your new Student ID Card to be served as the function of iPASS or EasyCard.
- The fee for both iPASS and EasyCard:
Replacement of student card due to loss
Exchange of damaged or unreadable card
【悠遊卡 / 一卡通學生優惠效期】
- 學生證悠遊卡學生票優惠,大學部及研究所效期設定皆為4年,自入學年度起至效期年度之10月底到期,屆時尚未畢業者,請持學生證至註冊組/研教組辦理展期,每次展期半年。
- 因辦理展期必須持卡片至展期機過卡,逾時未辦理展期者,票卡會取消學生優惠改為普通票費率,請同學注意自身權益辦理展期,如未辦理展期而發生權益受損之情事,由同學自行負責。
- 學生離校後,學生證即失效,視同一般無記名卡,將改為普通票費率,且無法辦理掛失。
- 應屆畢業生及辦理退學離校,如學生證遺失,請同學先辦理掛失後,方可領取學位證書或修業證書。
- 悠遊卡股份有限公司網頁-悠遊卡約定條款,悠遊卡公司 24 小時客服專線 02-4128880、數位學生證專線 02-26529782
- 一卡通票證公司網頁-一卡通電子票證定型化契約,一卡通票證客服電話:(07)791-2000